The Chilean State Alumni Association is a non-profit organization, composed of a board of directors voluntarily made up of partners, and members with autonomous legal status registered in the Civil Registry of Chile as a "Corporation".
SACh’s legal life dates back to 2014, when it was legally constituted as a Non-Profit Private Law Corporation on November 3rd. However, the history of our organization begins in 2008, when the alumni network of the International Visitors Leadership Program (IVLP) promoted the idea of an organization that would gather the whole great alumni community of programs sponsored by the US Department of State in Chile.
Encourage the exchange of experiences among scholarship recipients, create synergy among the different programs, as well as strengthen collaboration networks at the national and international level, putting the acquired capacities at the service of the community.
- Create fertile ground for members' exchange experiences in the United States to be of use to other community partners.
- Encourage the development of social initiatives that integrate the richness of the exchange between the United States and Latinamerican countries.
- Promote development opportunities for the members of our organization.
- Commit to all efforts that strengthen the bilateral relations between Chile and the United States of America, in mutually beneficial agreements.
We are a board made up mostly of former scholars living off the capital city, Santiago, because we believe in decentralization. The strength of this network is its diversity, since our partners are from varied fields in the country, different industries and professions, and a wide age spectrum.

Rosa Madera,
I am Rosa, a mother of 3 children, Spanish by birth but Ibero-American at heart. I consider myself a citizen of the world and I am currently living in Santiago de Chile. I define myself as a social entrepreneur, lawyer and founder of the Organization with Social Purpose Empatthy, which promotes strategic philanthropy and social investment. I participated in the International Visitor Leadership Program - IVLP 2018 for which I am very grateful. I love talking, dancing, traveling, being outdoors and doing sports.

Beba García
My name is Beba García Marinkovic and I live in the wonderful southern city of Punta Arenas, in the Magallanes and Chilean Antarctic Region. I am a Public Relations Officer, with a Bachelor in Organizational Communication and a Master in Military Sciences with a mention in Conflict and International Negotiation. At present I am an entrepreneur and Coordinator of the American Corner Program at the University of Magallanes. In 2013 , I participated in the Department of State VolVis (Voluntary Visitor) program My hobbies are skiing, reading and dancing flamenco.
Soy Relacionadora Pública, Licenciada en comunicación organizacional y Magister en ciencias Militares mención en Conflicto y Negociación Internacional. En la actualidad soy Empresaria y Coordinadora del Programa American Corner en la Universidad de Magallanes.
En 2013 participé en el programa del Departamento de Estado VolVis (Voluntary Visitor)
Mis hobbies son esquiar, leer y bailar flamenco.

María José Collao R.
Antofagastina de corazón, emprendedora social y a veces Ingeniera Comercial.
Tuve la mágica experiencia y el privilegio de ser fellow del programa Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative (YLAI), en donde conocí a increíbles personas y líderes de Latinoamérica y el Caribe, llenándome de energía para seguir rompiéndola en mi país.
Hoy, desde State Alumni fortaleceré el ecosistema emprendedor entre alumnis y la comunidad.

Marcela Ruiz
Primera Vicepresidenta
I'm Marcela, a Valdivian Marine Biologist. I have a Master's degree in Strategic Management and Project Evaluation. I am currently the Executive Director of the Acústica Marina hydroacoustic technology company dedicated to R + D + I to respond to problems that occur in seas and oceans.
I am a former fellow of the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) "Women Leaders: Drivers of Economic and Social Change", year 2018.
I love recreational activities in aquatic environments and I have experienced exploration in a backcountry kayak crossing different lakes such as the Pirihueico, in the south of Chile.

Francisco Morey
Segundo Vicepresidente
Francisco Morey is a journalist, specialized in science communication and in non-profit organizations. He has been dedicated to the conservation of the marine and terrestrial ecosystems of Chile, both at a national and international level. He lives and works from Valdivia. In 2009 he received the Fulbright - Hubert H. Humphrey Scholarship which he developed at Boston University and MIT.

Aldo Rojas
President 2016 - 2019
Founder of the State Alumni Chile Association 2014
Public Administrator, consultant with extensive experience in regulation, public affairs and international relations. Founder and Director of Institutional Affairs of the Institute for Democracy Challenges, an entity dedicated to the creation of dialogue spaces and proposals for public policies that contribute to the strengthening of democracy in Chile.
Fellow of the OAS Academic Scholarship Program. Alumnus of the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) of the Department of State of the United States of America in the field of Sustainable Urban Development (2010). Past President of the State Alumni Association in Chile and currently, Secretary General of IANAmericas - Inter American Network of Alumni Associations. Aldo is also a member of the Chile California Conservation Exchange (CCCX), member of the Council of International Members Global Ties US and a member of the Chile - United States Council for Science, Technology and Innovation. Apart from that, he participates as an advisor at the Commission of Future Challenges, Science, Technology and Innovation of the Senate of the Republic of Chile.

Germán Gómez
Board Member 2015 - 2017
Currently Director of Studies and Institutional Development at the German School in La Serena. He has been Principal of several schools, and an undergraduate and graduate university professor, as well (Adolfo Ibáñez University, De los Andes University, De Desarrollo University, among others). As an author, he has published in Spanish the texts What is ethics? and Friendship: the Heart of Citizenship (both published in English and Spanish versions).ez, Universidad De los Andes, Universidad Del Desarrollo entre otras). Como autor, ha publicado en español los textos ¿Qué es la ética? y Amistad: el corazón de la ciudadanía, con sus versiones en inglés What is ethics? y Friendship. The heart of the citizenship.
As for his professional training, Germán is a professor in Philosophy (UMCE), Master in Liberal Arts from University of Navarra, and MBA from Adolfo Ibáñez University. In 2011, he was granted the IVLP International Visitors Leadership Program in the chapter “Education for Citizenship”.ez). IVLP International Visitors Leadership Program en el capítulo “Educación para la ciudadanía” 2011.

Jo Scarlett Rivas Albornoz
President 2014 and 2015
Jo holds a Bachelor of Education, a Master in TEFL and specialization in e-Learning. She currently works as a Senior Program Officer of Colombo Plan for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Jo participated in the IVLP Multiregional Program at TESOL in 2008. She was President of the IVLP Chile Association between 2011 and 2013 and afterwards, she was a founding Member and President of the State Alumni Chile Association between 2014 and 2015.

Lilian Trigo
First Vice President 2018 - 2019
Lilian Trigo Castro is an ESL Teacher, Bachelor of English Language and Literature and a Master in International Relations from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.
She participated in the 2000-2001 Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program where she taught Spanish at Crispus Attucks Middle School in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Previously, in 1996, she was part of a selected group of Chilean school teachers in an IIE Training Study Abroad Program at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona.
Lilian has taught in Secondary Education and Higher Education in Valparaíso, Viña del Mar and Quillota, her hometown. She has also worked in Study Abroad Programs from the US to Chile as Program Director.
Currently, she continues teaching in Quillota at the CEIA Modelo School (Municipal) in Adult Education, always close to her students, especially in these times of pandemic and remote education.
Álvaro Cabrera
Álvaro Cabrera participated in the 2011 Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (UGRAD), which allowed him to complete a university semester at North Dakota State University. In 2014 he began to collaborate with State Alumni Chile as communications manager, and then served as secretary for two consecutive periods.
Álvaro holds a vast experience in scientific collaboration initiatives, coordinating the American Academy of Science and Technology which is a platform for scientific programs and conferences administered by the University of Talca and the United States Embassy. He has also been in charge of funding for science and innovation at the British Embassy in Santiago, where he is currently working.

International Visitors Leadership Program (IVLP)


Institute of the Americas

Study of the U.S Institutes (SUSI)

Youth Ambassadors

National Youth Science Camp (NYSC)

The Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE)